Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Fertik to Pelosi | "The time for accountability is NOW" . . .
"The conclusion is clear: George Bush lied about Iraq to Congress, the American people, and the world.
In 1998, the Republican Congress voted to hold President Clinton accountable for his lies through Impeachment, even though only 26% of Americans thought Impeachment was the appropriate punishment for lying about sex.
Today, 42% of Americans think Impeachment is the appropriate punishment for lying about war. And that figure greatly understates true public support for Impeachment, because the media utterly refuses to discuss Impeachment - in contrast with 1998, when Impeachment was discussed around the clock.
It is true that Democrats in Congress cannot impeach George Bush (and Dick Cheney, who shares full responsibility with George Bush) by themselves.
But Democrats can introduce Articles of Impeachment and thereby put the issue of accountability squarely before the Republican majority - and the American people.
If Republicans prevent a full Congressional investigation and debate over Bush's lies, they will dishonor the 1,871 soldiers who died for those lies.
That is their choice to make - and they will have to suffer the moral (and political) consequences.
But as the House Minority Leader, it is your solemn duty to begin this urgent moral debate.
I urge you to introduce Articles of Impeachment immediately."
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